Esmond Trophy

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The Esmond Trophy is an annual competition hosted by Bass Rock Golf Club and played over the West Links by kind permission of the North Berwick Golf Club.

An 18-hole medal qualifier is followed by a 32 player knock out. The magnificent silver trophy was donated to Bass Rock GC by Eduardo Esmond in 1926 and is a large and very accurate model of Edinburgh Castle.

The competition is open to male members of ANY golf club within the boundaries of East Lothian. Players must be 16 years of age or older on Saturday 3rd July. The maximum course handicap for all stages of the competition is 12. Players with a Handicap Index over 10.7 may enter but they will play off 12.

Please provide the Name(s), Home Club,CDH, WHS Index, e-mail, mobile phone number and preferred tee time for all competitors. Entry amount to Bass Rock Golf Club, Bank of Scotland, Account No 20016966 , Sort Code 80-22-60. Please
use lead name as a reference.

Entries are by e-mail to or by completing the contact form below. All entries will be acknowledged by e-mail.


Bass Rock Golf Club, 5 Lauder Rambling, EH39 5PU